Monday, January 9, 2012

Fun and first hospital runs

Let's see if I can knock out a quick one before they wake (her from her first nap, him from the night.  I LOVE it when they get the rare sleeping overlap!!!  I can go a week straight without actually getting even two seconds of down time (I'm not exaggerating here - and I'm not complaining, just sayin' ;) and that makes a quiet 5 minutes really luscious.)

Little Z is getting so Big!  She luuuuvs to lounge on the sheepskins we have piled by the fire.  And seeing her stretched out across my lap - she seems So Long.  But then I see her in E's arms, or look down on her napping in my wrap and and I'm overwhelmed by how totally tiny she is.  So dependent and breakable.  It boggles my mind.

Napping after coming in from a walk.  My thumb is almost as big as her nose.  It takes up her whole cheek.  She's like a tiny doll.  Constantly bigger, but still so little.  Its fun.

Speaking of tiny and breakable...  P seems So Big these days.  His face is changing.  He looks older, stands taller.  Overflows my lap.  I love it when something strikes me and he still seems small (like the other day, when he was bashing the wall with his feet and I commented "That kind of wall is breakable."  He stopped.  Then a second later he asked, "What kind of rock is it again?"  Hehehe.  Apparently he'd heard us call it "sheetrock.")   But really, in the spectrum of things, he is still small, and I soooo don't want to forget that and start in with yucky expectations... But I digress.

P typically bounces.  He's not that breakable.  I mean, he falls, and tumbles and bonks a LOT. Cuz he's really busy and kinda dare devilish and E and I just aren't those protective (physically at least;) parents.  And he gets bruised.  A lot.  But he bounces.   I can't even count the number of times I've shoved a flashlight at his eyes to check his pupils.  Seriously.  But this time when I did it, they were a little off :(

So, after face-planting off the bed (there was some wrastling involved, some foot-sweeping, some flying...)  we watched him for the afternoon.  He was so lethargic. And his head was horribly hurting.  He answered slowly and was just, basically, out of it.  Then he started barfing.  E, having been bonked and stitched up a trillion times as a kid was still pretty laissez-faire about the whole thing.  Me, not so much.  Obviously, I'm not the sort to run to the doctor (for which my brothers chastised me after my last birth...)  But, he was realllllly off.  And its the regret I fear.  So I sent them off into the night to the children's hospital.  Devastated that I couldn't go with the Little Man.  When he asked me to, I felt awful telling him I couldn't, that I had to stay with Zia.  I don't want them to ever feel like I'm choosing one over the other :(  But I think he understood when I told him she was just too little to go into a hospital and all of those germs.

The doctors, apparently, were superb.  The experience, late evening on a Saturday night in a big city, was serene.  I'm soooo glad they didn't just go to a plain' ol ER with its car crashes and whatnot.  The kid got a bed and a blanket and was offered TV or crayons or books (he chose Papa's stories (Nibble stories being his favorite thing on earth) instead.)  They checked him over and over and over and then wanted to do a CT.  E, having done more than his fair share of post-cancer scans was well aware of the radiation this would mean.  Fortunately, they offered to just watch him for the night instead and actually applauded our choice when we went that way.  Telling E most parents choose the CT rather than the night in the chair by the hospital bed.  I was, once again, so thankful for such a superb partner.

The first time they woke P to do his neuro tests... he wouldn't' wake up for forever... and E said it felt awful.  But the kid was just in a reeeeally deep sleep :)  He's all fine and they sent him home to be watched for the next week.  The next morning when he came downstairs the very first thing he did was to dangle from the top of the stair railing over the 5 foot drop below.  Yeesh.  I tried to request a moratorium on crazy for the next week without sticking too much fear into the equation ;)  Then we had a celebratory post-concussion day (Zia and I went out early and got P a favorite thing - flowers - for a little welcome home happiness)  Bagels and pizza and garlic oil pasta (P's faves) and movies and not jumping around :)

7 is kinda squirrelly.  P, with stick in mouth...

Just a couple of pic updates:

Baby girl in her bumbo.  She is getting all handsy and wants to grab everything.  When there's nothing to grab, she just grabs herself :)  

Zia luuuuuvs looking at the boys.  Papa gets huge gummy grins and Phoenix is most constantly observed.  Carting her on my hip while making lunch the other day, it hit me, put her in front of P!  So I did and wow.  She was more than content to watch him play the whole time I cooked.  Two might be busier than one, but they also keep each other busy (cuz P loves an audience:).  Love it!

Waking up to greet the day.  The baby is freaking full of smiles first thing.  Having a wee one that isn't constantly pissed off by food allergies is So FUN!!!

Today, P is cracking me up (yes, I did not finish the post before he woke up).  He is carefully asking if just about everything active is ok.  "So I can swing in my swing, but I shouldn't jump off of the chair onto my swing?  I can dangle over the wall or...?"  And telling me every little bodily quirk.  "My arms feel weaker.  Ok?"  And "I bumped my head on the back of the chair.  But not hard....  Ok?"

I'm glad he's attempting to be careful (not his usual strong suit:)  But I hope he forgets all about it in another week so he can go full throttle again!

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