Wednesday, November 16, 2011


We were not thrown from the plane. In fact, the day (post frenzied packing/cleaning/house exit..) felt like a run of good luck.

New laws in our favor meant P could keep his shoes on (his pet peeve) and Zia could stay snuggled in her wrap through security... until takeoff. But she had slept enough by then to not wail and didn't need to be bounced until the seatbelt sign stopped. The guy beside us reassured me he'd handle anyone who said a peep and bouncing at altitude worked just fine. The second flight started shaky - she was trying to go to sleep and in full bounce mode when we took off... I swayed like a madwoman in my seat while she gave some warning squaks and Superman, typically the most rule abiding boy on earth, urged me to "just stand!" before the captain even gave the go ahead...

But we made it and had an awesome welcoming committee at the airport to reward our long day. Phoenix was instantly in heaven and Miss Z didn't do any full on screaming until we were on the drive home!

Which had seemed absolutely impossible just a few days before. But I dropped more suspect foods (oats and sunflower seeds) and we took Zia to an acupuncturist for an accupressure treatment and I'd been working her digestive pressure points as instructed since and I started a new approach to her napping (that includes some cloying womb sounds;)... So, something changed in the days before we flew - though we're not exactly sure which or what :). But she has been feeling so amazing the last few days that I'm going to start testing foods, one at a time, every four days. Of course, at that rate, it seems it may take until her first prom to know what she reacts to ;)

And though P wasn't as psyched to come to Kansas as he usually is (have I mentioned he Really, realllllly likes Portland?!) he is having a blast. Farm
life is fun for a newly minted 7 year old. And he's sublimely pleased with how much family time he's already achieved. The weather turned today, as it does in the Midwest, but we had a jolly good time wandering the woods before the chill hit. And without all of the screaming coming from the bundle on my chest, we've both really enjoyed it!

I don't know how to move and label pics when blogging from my phone...(A, any suggestions?). But somewhere should be Zia, shockingly happy during her first cab ride and P, wandering and tossing rocks and checking out beaver marks...

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