After the moon sand was scraped away, the table had to be reincarnated to take the little man's mind off of the sandy stuff. I tossed some boards E found on a stoop over the top of his table and asked P what we should make. Here's what he did:
"Mama," he said excitedly, "Mama, I need to borrow your favorite blanket. K? Help me spread it smooth like grass." And so it went. BB got a pond for his well, rocky paths, and his tree house atop a lovely lawn. Then a castle was built in the canyon below with a stable to the side for horses, a dragon and a pig (which Yoav recently gave to P that P Adores.) The animals did Not like living at the castle and doo-dah-doo! BB to the rescue! He and P knocked down the fortress and used the crane as elevator to raise the horses and pig up to the tree house. Then a stable area was made on BB's property with a lovely bridge. What were we missing.... hmmm.... oh! Fairies! So out came the iron fairies, the large one is P's, the tiny one BB's. BB's Tia lived in a rocky cave at the edge of the pond. But the pond was missing something.... fish! So out came the wooden shapes and there were fish. Then, a mosasaur, for every pond needs a mosasaur :)
P flies BB's fairy out of her cave as she casts spells and sprinkles pixie dust on BB:
Its hilarious to perform BB as directed by P (as P still adamantly refuses to make BB talk or move). He waxes and wanes between heroically sweet brother and torturous sadist. At one moment he is helping BB to save his fairy from a mosasaur and at the next he is forcing BB to dive off of the highest tree house branch into the mosasaur infested waters below:
"Jump, BB, Jump!!!!"
On and on the world went for the rest of the afternoon. That night, Phoenix laid Little P and Little BB under the stars, by the warmth of the felt fire, for a good night's sleep.... until the next day when the moon sand came out, again :)
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