To say that P's cup is half full is a laughable understatement. Its more like overflowing :) If we order his candy online he starts expecting it That Second. I can honestly answer his delivery queries with "in about 5-7 days, P" yet he'll still say that it Could show up today. "Maybe, mama, maybe." As we head home at 3 in the afternoon he'll ask if Papa will be home when we get there. Telling him three hours still need to pass does no good. "Maybe," he says, "maybe."
Not only does he think time can bend to fulfill his wishes (and that all things are possible, really), he also basks in a good time. Like this morning, as we sat listening to Bob Marley while playing playdoh I heard him quietly say, "oh, how nice. Playdoh and music." Or last week as he climbed out of the bath and requested a little of Papa's cologne only to murmur "how nice, a bath, clean clothes, cologne..." Or yesterday, outside the health food store eating a snack he sighed, "This is lovely. Not too hot, not too cold, not too sunny. A yummy snack. Us, just chillin'. This is nice mama" Granted, five minutes later on the scoot home he threw down his scooter and exclaimed for all of the world "I'm NOT going uphill. I'll never go uphill again, mama. Never. I no want to Ever go up a hill again." (We, of course, live at the top of a hill.) The yin, the yang. The drama and sincerity of it all is pretty adorable either way. But then, I'm pretty smitten :)
1 comment:
"oh, how nice. Playdoh and music".. "Oh. Mama. I already know how my brain works. It goes NEEEEEAAAAAAMmm" haha!! you rock my world, P! definitely my new favorite quotes :)
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