My mom feels a bit shorted since we don't stick around for the winter holidays. Spoiling is a god given grandmother's right, right? She has therefore taken it upon herself to happily recognize all minor holidays, like, say, May Day :) So P celebrated May Day (a bit late) with some Magna Morphs.
What the hay are Magna Morphs? Animal figurines whose legs, heads, tails etc connect with magnets. The little toy store down the block has a bin of body parts he adores re-attaching, but they (oddly enough) don't actually sell this toy. So he's been requesting it for a while now. I've been reticent to make a purchase because, while he really loves playing with toy animals, its generally not in ways conducive to a toy that comes apart easily :)
Silly me. Listen to your child. Thank goodness my mother did :) P is so in love with these its funny. He has created every absurd creature his little brain could think of. Then he has to quiz them (yes, actually me) about what they eat. Ants? Well, here, I'll set you by this ant hill. Squid? Here's the ocean. And he carefully places them around his space, listing the environments each prey prefers. He also requests their names. The crazier, less pronounceable, the better. But the trick is that he is also playing a memory game with them. So he goes back through, asking them (me) their crazy names and who eats bats, who eats aphids, who eats just air? Apparently, college was just too fun for me, because the kid has to help me through most of the time :) As he was coming down with the stomach flu yesterday (we awoke today to him puking on both of us) we played with these things for 6 hours. Straight. And to think I questioned this toy. Silly mama!