Friday, January 25, 2008

Big Boy

While my computer was having its innards replaced P hit some new notes.

First, he walked to the zoo. This is big for P. My mom loves to tease me about our attachment parenting - as I cook with P on my back - by saying, "Well, it worked. He's attached!" And its true - he Loves to be carried. He will accept stints in the stroller, but would much prefer to be hanging off of our bodies. But as he's passed 30 some pounds this wimpy mama has been hoping for some independent walking. So on an unusually warm and beautiful day we went hiking in the woods across the street. As we wandered more deeply into the park, lifting leaves to see slugs, piling rocks and jumping stumps P decided he wanted to go to the zoo. Great! But no stroller or mei tai.... He said he'd walk and lo and behold the child did it. From one side of the park to the other, all around the zoo and back again he walked and jumped. It felt like a page of his childhood book turned - he seemed sooo big. Especially as he jumped from rock to rock chanting "fuck, fuck, fuck." :) It was his first foray with fuck and he was really working on giving it the oomph it deserved. A back-hoe was working at the zoo and combined with the warmth and lovely walk made for a perfect Brooklyn day.

A few nights later he slept for 10 hours. Straight. Without waking once.

I feel like that needs its own paragraph it is so huge for him. He hasn't repeated it since, but he's gotten close with a some 7 or 8 hour nights. And then he dropped his nap. Just like that. He'd flirted with this for months, skipping a day here or there, but quickly reverting back to happily going to sleep after lunch. I'm pretty psyched. Going into the city for the day is easier, playdates are easier, he wakes up better rested (say, at 5:30 today...) rather than wanting to nurse and nap for hours each morning. He hasn't quite settled on a replacement schedule yet, but its getting there.

And he started taking things apart. My little brother always did this. I love making things, Cash loves taking them apart. P apparently has that gene, the "break stuff to see how it works" gene. Our house is quickly becoming filled with toys that don't quite fit together anymore amongst large piles of removed tires and car bottoms reconstructed into "skateboards." My silly notion of peaceful afternoons spent finger painting have been quickly replaced by the reality of little boy. Fuck, scratch that, I meant Big boy.

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