Until today, this week was a ballad to Global Warming. For our NY friends reading this and thinking that Kansas must be a "southern state," I say to you, nay, it is not. Generally, November is blustery with a few fall days of warmth, just to tease us. But this month has been a continuation of summer, and while enjoyable to the wee one wanting to play outside, it bodes badly for said wee one's future. Big sigh.
But P knows of none of this, and thoroughly enjoyed the sunny days. How warm was it here? The child played Naked in the Sprinkler. As promised to Marielle, there will be no naked P pics on the web, so no pics of the water play. But you can see him hamming for the camera outside, still naked, eating pretzels. Did I mention its November? After chasing the cat around and running pell mell through the grass he decided to climb a tree. He finally found something that wasn't all that fabulous disrobed, but he refused to pull on pants. He was just so happy that he had a moment of freedom from his binds :) We've tried to keep him covered at my folks house, a fairly constant struggle.
At our flat there isn't much room to roam. Certainly not enough space to lose each other in. Here it is another story. And while P wants tabs on me at all moments, he's greatly enjoying "disappearing" into other wings of the house. At lunch yesterday he tested his happy independence by wandering outside while we ate. We could see him playing out back, knew he was safe, and then he slipped around the side of the house and disappeared. And he didn't quickly reappear. Between the ponds, the pool, and his new proclivity to explore alone we figured we better check on the little guy. After E headed out one door I heard P come in another. Prancing. Glowing. The definition of "walking on air." "I took a nice little walk" he announced. After rounding up E, P took 3 or 4 more "nice little walks" around the house all by himself - feeling like the big man he believes himself to be. Then he peed on the floor. Three walks forward, 1 step backward...
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