Phoenix's excitement for Halloween was only surpassed by his pants-peeing excitement for his Birthday. He started a list months ago. He has spoken of his birthday on a daily basis for a month. Much like Halloween wasn't about the costume but the candy, his birthday wasn't about the new digit but the presents. Phoenix LOVES getting presents. I know, he's three. This seems too obvious to even mention. But P will spend Hours putting a new toy back into its packaging, putting it in a shopping bag and pretending to be surprised. When he tires of this he plays shop with it and buys the darn thing for the next couple of hours. Its not just the new toy bit, but the actual Getting of the Gift.
His day didn't disappoint. He had ice-cream cake and a hot-potato led scavenger hunt with E's family. E and I steadfastly uphold a one-gift-per-occasion rule. So understandably, he was glassy eyed with sheer ecstasy as he was led to one hidden present after another. He was too stoked to fully capture hot-potato, but Grandpapa, Jace and Mimi deftly helped him scout out his treasures. His new recycling truck (dare I forget and call it a Trash Truck, he'll point out the words for me on the side and fake-read "No, mama, it says Re-cy-cling truck. See?) beeped with constant attention for the next 3 days straight and we had to tote all of his new toy cars with us in his backpack for a week.
After play-time with E's family we had pizza (P's choice) with my folks and brother Greg. He had also chosen carrot (over chocolate or gingerbread) cupcakes with candles for dessert. I knew from last year that the whole candle-blowing moment is gone in an instant and I was determined to capture it on film this time around. To that end I purchased the candles that suddenly re-light. Since P never feels he has adequate time to play with fire, he greatly enjoyed this treat and I could play with my camera And enjoy the moment :) After such a fun-filled day we planned to wait until the following morning for my parent's present, but my Father was too excited. Seems we have two gift lovers in this house :) I have yoked my parents into the "one gift" rule too, so my mother tries her best to appease me And please P. She found him a toddler size Vespa (its only one gift!) to putter around on in NY when he misses his John Deere. It was dark by then and he has been scared of the dark since Halloween (thus curbing a trek around the dimly lit drive), so he careened around their house shrieking with pleasure until E and I called a halt to this gut wrenching, house ruining activity. Needless to say, we were up bright and early the next morning to play with everything. Interestingly enough, with so many new things he didn't re-wrap or re-receive even once. Seems he was finally satiated :)
Happy birthday, Phoenix! Looks like you've had a lot of fun ... we miss you ... and I totally covet the Vespa!
WONDERFUL!!!!!! So glad to see new posts. I missed not being at his b-day, but I got my own personal b-day with P before he left. Can't wait to see you guys.
Happy Birthdat, Phoenix! That Vespa looks SOOOO cool. I hope you let me see it one day... Benny x
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