Friday, May 11, 2012

Big steps

P actually permitted a naked baby entrance into his bath tonight! Zia was looking in longingly when the Little Man's water ran (she is seriously All About the bath these days;) and P asked if she could join him! This is huge, as her nakey butt has, for months, been the subject of his disdain :)

It says worlds about their friendship this month. They "play" together a Ton lately. Probably because Zia is getting so much more capable :). Speaking of, I keep forgetting to type it in - she started saying "Papa about two weeks ago (yea, he melts ;) and her version of "brother" this week. Three words at seven months spells Serious trouble ;). And she decided to start braving those first steps. After spending as much time standing and juggling stuff to challenge her balance as baby-ly possible, she's started going one step away from holds to get to me. Its small, but its baby steps ;)

And on a total side note, we're all excited (maybe not the cat;) to move tomorrow. Its strange to have my last night in the room Zia was born. Such a sacred moment in your kid's life, I dunno, the space feels sacred too. When we returned from Kansas I walked Z through her home before bed, ending in the bedroom, where I offhandedly said "And here is where you were born.". But it wasn't a figure of speech. Like, I land in the Wichita airport and say, "I was born here.". The literalness of it, it was so emotional for me. I, seriously, choked up. Makes me understand how people can grow attached to houses (not my usual issue;).

When a difficulty with the new house came up last week, P overheard me moan and mutter that owning a house is a Pain In The Butt. He crept behind me and quietly asked, "So I should always rent, Mama?". Oy, the weight my words wield. But tonight, on the cusp of this big change, one that I thought would fit like a tight noose, I'm actually (finely;) glad to be settling down. To hold on to the spaces that grow sacred, just because they are integral to my children's journey.

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