Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sniffle, schnuffle

A little health woes update :). Zia and I have been unusually healthy this winter, only falling to mastitis. Until last weekend. When E was slated to go out of town to visit our dearest friend from college and his awesome hubby. Of course, Superman wouldn't leave town with me, and then the kids, falling sick. Poor Superman. No rest for the weary....

Zia has been a dream baby, sniffly or no. A couple of rough(er;) nights, but otherwise pretty happy. I stand in awe, every day, at what an entirely different experience this is compared to P's babyhood - and the beginning of Z's babyhood, too. Awe.

P has been uncharacteristically weepy of late. Seven is proving to be a fascinating age. Less sunny than six, more squirrelly too! Sensitive as the day is long. Transitions are easier in some ways - the physical changing of space. But emotional attachments, those transitions (say, losing a stick he'd been playing with for a few blocks, old fingernail trimmers breaking), those are earth shattering. Very interesting stuff... He's been unusually full of needs lately, a bottomless cup, and I need to figure out how to fill it... there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day.

But his headaches are gone - so that's huge. He started having them every day a couple of weeks ago (before the concussion) - right when he started eating horribly. I tried to offer good options, but he was staunchly stuck on ice cream :). Finally, he grew tired of his head misery and gave up the goods. Instant improvement ;). I'm tickled he's enjoying good foods and feeling swell again. Now, if I can just get some good sleep and kick this cold, we can go on the playdates and adventures we've been skipping. And Superman can get his butt down to LA!

1 comment:

A said...

Hope you all are feeling better - I was just telling someone the other day how I've hardly been sick this winter... of course, just in time to come down with a cold this weekend. I think P's expression is about how I've felt all weekend, wishing I felt more like Zia (adorable photos btw).