Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Message to the Universe

 Real Men wear babies :)
E, figured the wrap out all by his big self and took Zia on many walks Sunday to quell the screaming.

P and Z, sharing a sweet snuggle.

Dear Mastitis (and your fiendish friends, Fever and Pain): you SUCK.  And Insomnia (from said fiendish friends)?  You, too, Suck.  And Colic, my evil arch-nemesis from the past...  Was haunting my first born really not enough?  Must you possess my sweet second too?  You?  You Super Duper SUCK!  And lastly, Elimination Diet (no dairy, no wheat (gluten, really), no eggs, no soy, no corn, no nuts, no chocolate (sob), no kombucha (double sob))?  You?  You starve me suck-a-roni!!!

There.  All better.

And to my seemingly forgotten first-born:  I know, this sucks.

And to my Superman:  Without you, this would be beyond suck.  Thanks :)

...We will return shortly to our regular, optimistic broadcast...  


Diane said...

I feel you. Sending positive waves your way. Dale

Dina said...

I'm so sorry Suck has moved in with you. I wish I could kick its butt so Optimism, Joy, Sleep and Fun would return.