This could be us, every day, actually. Most of P's holiday wants centered around BB's home. The monster has dishes, a bathroom, a garden and a barn now, necessitating daily watering, daily cooking, daily potty humor and daily hay feeds. A T-rex moved in today, along with a penguin. Life is never dull at the Treehouse...
Wondering which was heavier, this shark tooth or this shark tooth, P requested we build a scale. Chopsticks, a couple of forklift palletes, some twine and a crane base later and whalah - we were weighing fossils and crystals and, of course, eventually BB and the T-rex...
P's other favorite toy: his kitchen. We spend hours here. Shopping, organizing, cooking, ordering, playing cafe, cleaning, repeat, ad nauseum :) He is constantly on the watch for items to add to his well stocked abode and last week he scored a bag of coffee beans. Stale beyond brewing (apparently that store doesn't sell enough fair trade organic...) P suggested he have them rather than the worms. And I tell you what. Better than a brown cardboard box. Seriously. Those beans have been everything. BB even enjoyed them for a while as his own personal sandbox and then fossil finding dig spot. Then, yesterday, P accompanied Papa to Starbucks and scored the eventually empty coffee cup. He filled his cup with his coffee beans, taped on the top and drank with pride. Today, as we played shop, he shocked me by ordering, not just a coffee, but a "Grande coffee, please. With space for the cream." Teaching smeaching, nothing gets past a five year old...
Ahhh, a quick little blog! Does this make up for not getting a call to you today, mom? ;) (Our power is out, btw!)
I LOVE IT!! (As you can see, I've been a bit obsessed with the iphone photos :) It's such an easier way to capture the moments, and I love the look of them!
P's so adorable!! I love that he "drinks" coffee and even knows just how to order it!! Haha!
yah - I'm just glad I have a sister so groovy I'm compelled to copy!
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