I've been longing to hit my favorite paper supply store in the city (hoping to find a little time to draw) but P hasn't been feeling it;) Then, inspired by some animal crackers his rocket shooting pals brought to the park, he was hot to trot to Trader Joe's - which just happens to be 2 blocks from the art store. Yay!
We made a nice day of it, wandering up St. Marks and trying on the goofy sunglasses and jewelry. Then, with a tub of Trader Joe's Animal crackers in hand we braved the art store together. Small aisles full of pretty colored tubes and doodads, with a three year old in tow, is generally my idea of a nightmare. But P charmed the paper lady and we made it out without too many dirty looks :)
Since it takes us the better part of the day to get out of the house (so many games to play and foods to eat before leaving!) we decided to spend what was left of the afternoon in the city to meet E after work. Union Square park was shady and green so we snacked there until he revived his strength for the playground. He tentatively played with a little girl and then swung for forever screaming "I'm on a rocket to the moon!!!!" over and over again.
When I was fairly sure no one could take anymore moon talk I suggested a change of venue. Would he like to push some buttons and listen to music? (Button pushing being an all time fave.) So we hung out at Virgin and did a little music appreciation until E was ready to eat. As we left the lovely jazz section the pounding beat of a rap song caught P's booty and he started shaking it, despite the fact he was balancing on my scooter. His hair in tails, his racer glasses on, smiling face to the ceiling, bouncing his butt for all it was worth as he was scooted through Virgin, I had to laugh at his freedom.
After dinner we walked over the bridge. I don't know if P was just trying to elongate the evening or if he truly is suddenly captivated by how bridges are built, but he wanted to read every placard, asking a million questions about the Brooklyn beauty. As we entered Brooklyn P spied an Otterness sculpture we hadn't noticed before. He Loves this artist and insisted on spreading his love all over the enormous bronze until the sun set.
1 comment:
love the pics and Virgin story!
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