Z, enjoying the morning, the day of Phoenix and Sofia's birth.
So, turns out P got a birthday buddy after all. And, honestly, after all of the hotheaded commentary on the subject, he barely winced. This could be because he has the most amazing Aunt and Uncle on the planet...
Seriously, though they had just given birth to their firstborn, they went waaaay out of their way to make the weekend special for Phoenix. Absolutely broke my heart to see how much he is loved by such truly unbelievable people.
For example, after a long labor and sporting a newborn, Alicia just wasn't gonna make it up our multiple stairways the very next day for a loud, kid (germs) infested birthday party. So what did they do? Uncle Seth showed up early for a special FaceTime tour with the Little Man and his Aunt. She cyber walked through his whole set-up, asking questions and validating excitedly. Like she wasn't busy needing sleep or figuring out how to nurse or change dirty diapers or something.
And then Seth came back for the party. Fer reeealz. AND we were invited down the next day for celebratory drinks with more cake (Phoenix's birthday cake was The Most Scrumptious Cake Ever Made. And I mean that. I'm not a big wedding cake eater, but this shit was divine. Unfortunately, Z reacted to it, so the thirds and fourths I would have had were out of the question;) while they gave him bday gifts and chatted him up about the party and made him feel like the center of the universe.
I, meanwhile, couldn't keep my hands off of that baby :) Which, didn't make my baby all that happy... But, fortunately, she so dotes on Uncle Seth that when he shined his attention on her, she happily forgot me. But when she remembered Alicia or I, well, she reeeeeally wanted to get her hands on that squiggly little doll in our arms.
Which makes sense, as her baby doll is her hands down, absolute favorite toy. She carts that thing everywhere. She has created a sign for it (an arms together rocking motion). She sings "rockabye baby" to it (the tune, but the words are just mumbo jumbo;) as she sways with it in her arms. She feeds it and hugs it and kisses it and sucks on its face.
And she would Very much like to do this to baby Sofia :)
I started this post weeks ago. Then sickness and travel (and motherhood in general;) got in the way. Now we haven't seen our sweet extended fam for a week and it kills me to be gone right after that baby is born. (But, probably for the best, or Z, P and I would smother her:) P, seeing baby Sofia through the window on our way to the airport yelled, "Oh, I love her So Much!" It brings tears to my eyes, thinking about him having these little ladies looking up to him (and probably eventually pummeling him;) and thinking about Z having a built in best buddy. Sophia being born has been the best example ever of the old saying that babies just make love multiply. Though I knew Seth and Alicia would always be amazing to P and Z, somehow they seem even more amazing, even though there is another person around to love. So what has always seemed contradictory, really is true: babies multiply love.